- 【Executive Office】
- Department of Molecular
Pathology, Graduate School of
Medicine, University of Tokyo
- Hongo 7-3-1,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
- Phone:+81-(0)3-5841-3356
- Fax:+81-(0)3-5841-3354
- Instructions for Oral Presenters
- Speakers are strongly encouraged to bring their own PCs for their presentation with proper adaptors to 15 pin monitor cables and AC adaptors. If they would like to bring files in storage medium (e.g. USB, CD), please contact the secretariat.
- Speakers are required to go to PC check corner (please see Floor Map on our homepage) and follow the instructions before the session they present or during the coffee break/lunch time prior to their presentation.
- Time allotted is 30 minutes for invited speakers, including 5 minutes for discussion.
- Time allotted is 20 minutes for "short talk" speakers, including 5 minutes for discussion. All speakers are requested to make their presentation materials in English. We ask all of "short talk" speakers to present their posters.
- Instructions for Poster Presenters
- All poster presenters will be provided with 112 cm wide by 172 cm high boards.
- Poster presenters are requested to make their presentation materials in English. They will need to provide headers. Headers should contain the title, all authors and their affiliations.
- Poster session will be held on Monday, January 23rd from 16:50-18:30pm in the Poster session area at the Koshiba Hall.
- Presenters may place their posters on thrir specified boards between 8:30am and 9:10am on January 23rd.
- Presenters are only required to man their posters for the designated hour (posters with odd numbers: 16:50-17:40pm and posters with even numbers: 17:40-18:30pm). They may man them for additional time if they desire.
- Please remove the posters at the end of the poster viewing of January 24th (10:00-10:30am) or at the latest by the end of the symposium (January 24th 12:30pm).
- Instructions for Chairpersons
- Chairpersons are required to go to PC check corner (please see Floor Map on our homepage) and follow the instructions before the session they chair.